What Is Normal Blood Pressure?

What is normal blood pressure anyway?

How far do we have to reduce our blood pressure to get the full health benefits we deserve?

I have Good News and Bad News.

The good news is that every drop you make, say in steps of 10/5, will have a great benefit to your health and can cut the risk of premature death from heart attack or stroke.

The bad news is that your risk can still be quite high unless you reach the healthy zone.

What Is This Healthy Zone?

The target blood pressure that you should be aiming for is 115/75. If you are 20/10 over this then already you have doubled your cardiovascular risk.

For practical purposes, a few units either way do not make a whole lot of difference so a blood pressure that is between 110/70 and 120/80 is good enough.

The health departments in many countries will classify anything over 121/81 to be prehypertension. This means that you are already at some increased risk. In the UK, you only officially have hypertension when you hit 140/90. However, the facts are that you can still be at an increase risk even if you are below this e.g. 130/85.

How To Reduce It?

Some people turn to drugs. Drugs that were never invented for treating blood pressure in the first place. They have a systemic effect on you. "Systemic" is medical-jargon for "all of the body".

This means that side effects are common such as headache, needing to urinate often and even increased risk of cancer. Paradoxically, some of these drugs can even increase the risk of a heart attack - and defeat the entire point of turning to your doctor about your blood pressure in the first place!

A natural approach is much better. Although there is some tiny component of your b.p. that is genetic, this can be far outweighed by lifestyle approaches. There are three key areas and you cannot neglect even one of them:

- what you eat
- your type of exercise
- stress levels

By following such a natural approach there is simply no need to turn to drugs at all. Even doctors are now acknowledging this as study after study reaches this conclusion.

Do you not want to worry anymore about dying before your time is up? You can easily make a few tweaks to your lifestyle and beat this "silent killer". Discover my natural step by step proven plan for easily defeating high blood pressure here: Blood Pressure Truth.

Do you really want to lower that hypertension or high blood pressure with the best natural method ever known by man, see the full details HERE

Lower Blood Pressure With Exercise

When wanting to lower your blood pressure, exercise is one of the best ways to achieve it along with a few others. But the truth about which types are more beneficial may surprise you. Let's take a closer look.

Why Is Exercise Beneficial?

When you exercise, your heart rate increases and blood pumps through the body harder and faster to give the muscles and the organs the blood supply and nutrients within that they need.

So actually the pressure your arterial walls increases and therefore your blood pressure goes up, albeit temporarily.

But what happens even in the short term as well as the long term is that when you are at rest your blood pressure is lower. This is because exercise keeps the walls of the arteries very flexible and supple and prevents them constricting - all of which lead to lower blood pressure.
What Type Of Exercise Is Beneficial?

Studies have shown that moderate rather than heavy exercise actually has a better blood pressure lowering ability. So you most certainly do not need to become a bodybuilder or a distance runner or a Lance Armstrong to get the benefits you need.

Not Just Exercise...But THIS

It is not just exercise that you need to look at to reduce your blood pressure. In fact there are three key areas and most people need to address them all to reduce their blood pressure to a healthy value like 115/75 without drugs.

The other two are diet and stress. But again, only small changes need to be made. For example, there are some supplements and small dietary changes that can EAdd ImageACH have an effect of lowering b.p. by 10/5. Just a few changes and you can be healthy once more.

You can eliminate your worries about dying from stroke or heart attack by following my easy, structured plan for completely natural lowering of blood pressure. Discover why the truth about lowering your b.p. is that it is easier than you think here: Blood Pressure Truth.